This FAQ is designed to provide an overview of Soul Retrieval and Extraction (SRE) for individuals interested in shamanic facilitation and healing. It answers common questions about the process, its benefits, and practical considerations.
What is Soul Retrieval and Extraction?
Soul Retrieval and Extraction (SRE) is a shamanic process, which is intended to help people achieve healing and wholeness. It works on the understanding that the human soul can undergo damage due to trauma in this life (or others), and that a shamanic facilitator can help to repair the damage, and retrieve pieces of “soul” that have been lost. Shamanism is the ability of a person to move into an altered state of consciousness and travel the inner dimensions of what we call nonphysical reality. Soul recovery and extraction in this tradition can help an individual return to health.

When should I have an SRE done?
An SRE is helpful if you may be suffering from “soul loss”. Signs of soul loss include the impression that something is missing in our lives. There may be a sense of being out of balance, unable to synch with ourselves, but not know why.
How does it work?
As a trained shamanic facilitator, I use a trance-induction technique to undertake a guided journey, in which I will work with symbols and archetypal energy to assist the Client to achieve healing. Typically, there are three parts: the journey to retrieve Soul pieces, the “external” extraction, and the “internal” extraction. Extraction is a tool within the shamanic tradition that dissolves “blocks” from our bodies or the aura of electromagnetic energy that surrounds us.
Note that a shamanic facilitator does not “heal” the client. Symbolic “pieces” are retrieved that may trigger deep internal healing within the Client. These pieces are often linked to deeply-rooted feelings or memories of experiences that may have been suppressed, which means the healing process may often be associated with a release of strong emotion.
Does this link to other forms of healing?
Shamans are found in almost every native culture around the world, and thus shamanism pre-dates the development of modern medicine. As a traditional method of healing, it recognizes the strong soul/mind/body connection and works with the archetypes found in the collective unconscious to bring about healing, if the Client is receptive. While shamanism is an ancient tradition, its principles can be applied today to foster personal insight, emotional healing, and spiritual growth in a way that complements modern lifestyles and therapies.
What is the link between Shamanic symbols and Psychology?
Some Shamans believe that they work directly with the collective unconscious through an archetypal process with clients. Some ideas from Jungian psychology support the idea that symbols have an important meaning to the individual and groups, and that shamans who are able to retrieve the appropriate symbols may thereby trigger healing in the Client.
Where can I get more information on this process?
See the book “Soul Recovery and Extraction: Putting back the pieces of your life,” by Ai Gvhdi Waya (Eileen Nauman), 2015. Also, see “Jung and Shamanism in Dialogue: Retrieving the Soul, Retrieving the Sacred,” by C. Michael Smith, 2014. I provide shamanic facilitation services.
Is this compatible with religion?
People of any religious background, or none, may benefit from the SR/E. While some shamans do not practice a formal religion, many come from traditions where each of the major religions is respected and acknowledged for their truth.
Consent and Working on Behalf of Others
If you are reaching out on behalf of a loved one, please be aware that I require the explicit consent of the individual (if they are an adult with capacity to make decisions) before proceeding with any shamanic journey or facilitation. This ensures that all work aligns with their autonomy and comfort level.
Consent may involve:
Granting you permission to organize the journey and receive the report on their behalf.
Specifying any boundaries or preferences regarding their level of involvement.
I will work with you and your loved one to establish the appropriate consent structure, respecting their wishes and comfort.
Common Misconceptions
Shamanic facilitation does not involve religious conversion, spirit possession, or supernatural interventions. It is a spiritual practice grounded in cultural and symbolic traditions designed to support healing and balance.
Important Note: Shamanic facilitation is a spiritual and symbolic practice. It is not a substitute for medical, psychological, or psychiatric care. Clients experiencing significant health or mental health challenges should seek guidance from licensed healthcare professionals in conjunction with shamanic work. updated January 4, 2024

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